Syncing Overview


Santa can be run and configured without a sync server. Doing so will enable an admin to configure rules with the santactl rule command. Using a sync server will enable an admin to configure rules and multiple other settings from the sync server itself. Santa was designed from the start with a sync server in mind. This allows an admin to easily configure and sync rules across a fleet of macOS systems. This document explains the syncing process.

Flow of a Full Sync

This is a high level overview of the syncing process. For a more detailed account of each part, see the documentation on the Sync Protocol.

Syncing is performed by the santasyncservice daemon. The daemon performs routine full syncs and rule download only syncs, as well as listens for FCM push notifications (when enabled). The daemon is also used by santad which can trigger event uploads via an XPC call when a binary is blocked. The santactl command line utility can also trigger full syncs via an XPC call with the santactl sync command.

  1. When the santad process starts up, it establishes an XPC connection with the santasyncservice provided the SyncBaseURL configuration key is set.
  2. santasyncservice schedules a full sync to run 15 seconds in the future when the process starts up. This time is used to let santad settle before it would need to start receiving and updating rules.
  3. The full sync starts. This includes a number of stages:
    1. preflight: The sync server can set various settings for Santa.
    2. eventupload (optional): If Santa has generated events, it will upload them to the sync server.
    3. ruledownload: Download rules from the sync server.
    4. postflight: Posts some stats about the sync to the sync server and updates timestamps for successful syncs.
  4. After the full sync completes a new full sync will be scheduled, by default this will be 10 min. However there are a few ways to manipulate this:
    1. The sync server can send down a configuration in the preflight to override the 10 min interval. It can be anything greater than 1 min.
    2. Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) can be used*. The sync server can send down a configuration in the preflight to have the santactl daemon to start listening for FCM messages. If a connection to FCM is made, the full sync interval drops to a default of 4 hours. A preflight configuration can override this. The FCM connection allows the sync server to talk directly with Santa. This way we can reduce polling the sync server dramatically.
  5. Full syncs will continue to take place at their configured interval. If configured FCM messages will continue to be digested and acted upon.

*The Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) based Push Notification system is only available on the internal Google deployment of Santa at this time.

Blocked Events

The santad daemon keeps an open XPC channel to the santasyncservice. This is used by santad to send information about blocked binaries or bundle events as they occur so that the information is immediately available for handling by the sync server (e.g. making information about a blocked binary available for viewing and potentially generating new rule sets).

Manually Triggered Syncs

A full sync can be triggered at any time by using the santactl sync command. This will message the santasyncservice via XPC to perform the required work. Note that if a sync is already in progress, this command will block until that sync is complete. Only normal user permissions are needed to trigger a sync manually.