Migrating from Google Santa to North Pole Security Santa


This guide outlines the migration process from Google Santa to North Pole Security (NPS) Santa, designed to ensure a smooth transition with minimal security coverage gaps.

If you are not currently running Google Santa, you can skip this doc and go straight to Getting Started.


  • Active Google Santa installation
  • MDM (Mobile Device Management)
  • A method to deploy the NPS Santa installer package

Migration Steps

1. Configure System Extensions

  • (Optional) Add a Team ID Rule for North Pole Security’s Team ID (ZMCG7MLDV9) to Google Santa. This is to guarantee that complex MDM setups don’t allow Google Santa to block NPS Santa if they’re running simultaneously.
    • Either add it as a static rule, santactl rule or via your sync service
  • First, update your MDM configuration to allow both Google and NPS system extensions simultaneously. This dual-authorization is temporary but necessary for a seamless transition.
  • Also deploy a TCC full disk access MDM configuration for NPS Santa
  • See Getting Started for examples of the system extention and TCC MDM configurations for NPS Santa.

2. Install NPS Santa

Deploy the latest NPS Santa release to your systems. The installer is designed with built-in migration support:

  • NPS Santa will remain dormant after installation
  • It will automatically monitor for Google Santa removal
  • At this point NPS Santa will not appear in systemextensionsctl list
% systemextensionsctl list
1 extension(s)
--- com.apple.system_extension.endpoint_security
enabled	active	teamID	bundleID (version)	name	[state]
*	*	EQHXZ8M8AV	com.google.santa.daemon (2024.9/2024.9.674285143)	santad	[activated enabled]

To avoid system extension authorization popups, ensure the MDM has applied configurations from #1 before deploying the NPS Santa installer.

3. Remove Google Santa Authorization

Through your MDM:

  • Remove Google Santa from the allowed system extensions list
  • This will trigger the automatic unloading of Google Santa
  • NPS Santa will detect the removal and will finish loading itself within seconds

To minimize security coverage downtime, ensure the NPS Santa installer has run before removing Google Santa from the allowed system extensions list

If you do not use an MDM:

  • Remove Google Santa by dragging /Applications/Santa.app to the trash
  • Respond to the admin authentication popup dialog

4. Verification

NPS Santa should now installed and running:

% systemextensionsctl list
2 extension(s)
--- com.apple.system_extension.endpoint_security
enabled	active	teamID	bundleID (version)	name	[state]
		EQHXZ8M8AV	com.google.santa.daemon (2024.9/2024.9.674285143)	santad	[terminated waiting to uninstall on reboot]
*	*	ZMCG7MLDV9	com.northpolesec.santa.daemon (2024.10/2024.10.49)	santad	[activated enabled]

The terminated Google Santa entry will be cleared on the next reboot. In a terminated state, Google Santa does not affect NPS Santa.